The Furry Friend Tag

I saw this recently done on Youtube and I just could not resist doing it on the blog as well.

1) What is your pet’s name? His name is Buster. I actually had no saw in naming him and I am not the biggest fan of his name. I really wanted him to be named Charlie for Charlie Brown or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
2) What kind of pet is it and what breed? Buster is a chocolate lab and is the most perfect little dream of a dog. He never did any of the typical lab things. He never chewed or destroyed things. Like a lab, he is very smart and learns things really quickly.
3) How long have you had your pet friend? We have had Buster for 5 years now.

4) How did you get your pet? My dad and brother actually went to get him while I was in college. I got a phone call one day saying they were on their way to get a dog and it really upset me because I was not involved in the process at all. I couldn’t even come home to meet him until 2 weeks after they got him either, so I was bound and determined to not like him on principle of how the situation went down. But when I came home, my brother started vacuuming and Buster ran into my lap and I was immediately sold. Ironically, I quickly became Buster’s favorite and now he is my little buddy and we do just about everything together.
5) How old is your pet? He is just over 5 years old.

6) What are some quirky things about your pet’s personality? Buster is such a goofy dog. He does this thing we call the dinosaur dog and I will share a video of it. When I take him to PetSmart, I let him pick out a toy every time and he carries it throughout the store. There is a PetSmart that is about a 5 minute walk from where we live and we walked there one day and he carried his toy all the way home. He also likes to carry them in the car. He doesn’t sleep with me at night because he literally tries to kick me out of bed with his back legs because he doesn’t like sharing the bed. He is terrified of the PlayStation.

7) What does your relationship with your pet mean to you? It means everything to me. Buster is the perfect dog for me. He is the kind of dog that is up for anything. If you are feeling crummy and want to lay around all day, he will lay there with you. If you want to go on a walk, he gets excited about that. Any time I am going anywhere and I won’t be inside for a significant amount of time, he rides in the car with me. He really is my best friend and I wouldn’t have it any other way. He is a really special dog and I am so blessed to have him in my life.
8) What are some of your favorite past times with your pet? Everything. He loves laying with me when I am watching my TV shows. He loves going on car rides and playing fetch. PetSmart trips are always special.
9) What are the nicknames that you call your pet? Buster beans, Buster B, Poochie P

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